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10-bar truss problem............. 142, 144
25-bar truss problem............. 142, 144
2-dimensional shape matching problem... 151
4-bit parity problem...................... 205
6-bit deceptive problem................ 219
6-bit easy problem........................ 219
6-Hump Camel Back function..... 111, 184
72-bar truss problem............. 142, 144
Ackley's function...................... 59, 67, 217, 312, 317
active power security correction on power market.......... 307
actuator hysteresis identification and compensation........ 371
aligning multiple protein sequence problem......... 178
assembling parts into objects problem............... 365
automatic generating numerical control rules problem....... 385
Baluja's function............................ 279
benchmark set of 65 set covering problems........ 88
bimodal equal spread function....... 212
bimodal function........................ 61, 79
bimodal unequal spread function... 212
bit counting function....................... 41
blocked function............................ 212
Bohachewsky's function............ 111, 315, 317
Branin's function... 184, 359, 363, 376
busy beaver problem..................... 219
camel function............................... 325
chaotic time-series prediction problem........... 322
clique finding problem..................... 46
Colville's function.......................... 317
concatenations of bipolar deceptive problems....... 79, 120
concatenations of order-3 deceptive problems...... 79, 120
conceptual design of a supersonic aircraft.......... 260
contrast stretching and detail enhancements of satellite images..... 285
Corana's function................... 246, 279
data clustering benchmark sets...... 240
data clustering in dermatological semeiotics................ 387
Jong's function 27, 37, 39, 44, 59, 67, 77, 83, 85, 101, 111, 115, 129,
155, 171, 176, 184, 189, 191, 193, 199, 205, 212, 221, 234, 236, 238,
242, 244, 248, 256, 265, 269, 279, 319, 325, 359, 363, 376, 391
deceptive trap functions.................. 96
design of a three-stage membrane separation process....... 260
design of aerodynamic shape of a car.......... 65
design of digital finite impulse response filters................. 187
design of two-way crossover circuits......................... 153
determination of a bus access schedule for a real-time LAN....... 90
dynamic biochemical sensor measurement characterization...... 162
Easom's function... 184, 238, 262, 363
economic load-dispatch problem.......341
enhanced Steiner problems in graphs.....74
feature selection problem.............. 125
feature selection problem of pattern recognition................. 99
feature weights learning problem... 228
Fletcher-Powell's function............. 171
frequency assignment problem...... 328
fully deceptive 4-bit problem.......... 81
fully deceptive trap function........... 41
function taken
from the National Crime Survey..................35
fuzzy controller design.............. 50, 52
fuzzy rule extraction problem....... 226
Goldstein-Price's function............. 169
graph bipartitioning......................... 79
graph bisection problems.............. 160
graph coloring problem.... 44, 299, 302
graph partitioning............................ 48
Griewank's function 59, 111, 115, 129, 138, 140, 176, 184, 207, 214,
238, 242, 244, 246, 248, 262, 265, 269, 317, 319, 354, 363, 376
Hamiltonian Circuit problems................ 115, 176
HIFF problem....... 113, 131, 134, 136
induction motor parameter estimation...............290
industrial simulation...................... 224
integrated steelmaking optimum cast plan....................369
JSSP............................................... 155
Keane's function.... 230, 232, 252, 254
knapsack problem................. 202, 287
knowledge acquisition problem....... 293
L-SAT problem generator....... 96, 157
Mahfoud's function............... 134, 136
max-cut problem............................ 122
Michalewicz & Schoenauer's functions.................. 305, 395
Michalewicz's function 44, 59, 105, 111, 129, 210, 236
microwave imaging problem.......... 393
mixed variable bearing problem..... 337
multi-dimensional pattern recognition problems............... 93
multimodal function........ 56, 165, 173
multi-objective function................ 267
multi-objective optimization of logic circuits 383
n-bit adder....................................... 29
n-bit parity checker......................... 29
non-stationary function......... 252, 254
n-peak problems.............................. 33
One-Max problem........... 54, 157, 219
optical components benchmark data sets............... 374
order-3 deceptive problem............ 205
pattern matching problem......... 50, 52
plant allocation problem................ 181
pole problem................................. 212
power plant control system design problem.............. 315
Rastrigin's function 59, 111, 115, 129, 138, 140, 176, 212, 214, 217,
242, 244, 248, 265, 269, 281, 317, 319, 343, 354
Rechenberg's function.................... 207
registration of computer tomography image and facial surface data
problem 367
Ridge's function..................... 138, 140
robot tracking problem.................. 295
Rosenbrock's function 169, 207, 217, 269, 281, 317, 319, 354
Royal Road function....... 54, 157, 219
SAT problems............................... 115
satisfiability problem...................... 69
Schaffer & Eshelman's trap function 54
Schaffer's function..... 67, 115, 147, 176, 184, 191, 193, 325, 363, 376
Schubert's function.......... 67, 111, 359
Schwefel's function 59, 111, 115, 129, 138, 140, 169, 176, 242, 244,
248, 265, 269, 317, 354, 376
Shekel's function.................... 184, 363
soft decision decoding of linear block codes...... 48
sphere function.............. 217, 317, 354
stellar wave-front slopes prediction problem...... 322
trainer scheduling problem............ 297
transportation problems........ 195, 197
TSP............ 44, 48, 160, 167, 205, 312
unimodal function.......................... 214
V-cliff function.............................. 212
vector quantization problem. 271, 273
V-function..................................... 212
VLSI standard cell placement problem 71
Watson's function.......................... 317
Whitley's function......................... 155
XOR problem................................ 205
zero/one multiple knapsack problem...... 117