dr Tomasz D.Gwiazda
 Assistant Professor

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Standard operators
1-Point Crossover
k-Point Crossover
Shuffle Crossover
Reduced Surrogate Crossover
Uniform Crossover
Highly Disruptive Crossover,Heuristic Uniform Crossover
Average Crossover
Discrete Crossover
Flat Crossover
Heuristic Crossover,Intermediate Crossover
Blend Crossover

Binary coded operators
Random Respectful Crossover
Masked Crossover
1bit Adaptation Crossover
Multivariate Crossover
Homologous Crossover
Count-preserving Crossover
Elitist Crossover
    Count-preserving Crossover  




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from my latest eBook

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number of  “1” preservation

   Preserving constant number of bits equal to “1” in every chromosome of a population.

Source text
   Hartley S.J., Konstam A.H. (1993), Using Genetic Algorithms to Generate Steiner Triple Systems, in ACM Conference on Computer Science, pp.366-371
WEB:     http://citeseer.ifi.unizh.ch/hartley93using.html

Read also
   Hou Y.-Ch., Chang Y.-H. (2004), A New Efficient Encoding Mode of Genetic Algorithms for the Generalized Plant Allocation Problem, in Journal of Information Science and Engineering, vol. 20, pp. 1019-1034

See also
   Count-preserving Crossover-2
   Set-Oriented Crossover
   Self Crossover

     select two parents A(t)=(a1(t),...,an(t)) and B(t)=(b1(t),...,bn(t)) from
       a parent pool

2.     create two lists of differences Lup and Ldown as follows:

3.     Lup= empty_list, Ldown= empty_list, L_length = 0

4.              for i = 1 to n do

5.                              if ai = 1 and bi = 0 then

6.                              append i to Lup

7.                              L_length  = L_length + 1

8.                              else if ai = 0 and bi = 1 then

9.                              append i to Ldown

10.                           end if

11.           end do

12.  create two offspring A(t+1) and B(t+1) as follows:

13.  copy all bits from parent A(t) to offspring A(t+1)

14.  copy all bits from parent B(t) to offspring B(t+1)

15.           for j = 1 to L_length do

16.                           if Rnd < 0.5 then

17.                           at position determined by Ljup exchange the bits
                           between offspring A(t+1) and B(t+1)

18.                           at position determined by Ljdown exchange the bits
                           between offspring A(t+1) and B(t+1)

19.                           end if

20.           end do

– uniform random real number, 0≤Rnd≤1
– number of elements in the Lup and Ldown
Ljup –  jth element of Lup
–  jth element of Ldown

   The CPC operator carries out its task (see: motivation) assuming, that the number of bits equal to “1” in every chromosome in the initial population P(0) is the same.
   CPC may guarantee preservation of the constant number of bits equal to “1” due to application of two lists noting the differences between the parents (rows: 3-11). List Lup includes positions (numbers) of those bits, on which there are differences between the parents, but the first parent at a given position holds a bit equal to “1” and the second equal to “0” (row: 5). List Ldown similarly notes the positions of differences, but the first parent at a given position holds a bit equal to “0” and the second equal to “1” (row: 8). The offspring creation process making use of  those lists is based on the exchange of bits between the offspring at those positions which, are indicated by subsequent element pairs from lists Lup and Ldown (rows: 17 and 18).
   Number of elements in Lup and in Ldown is the same, which is a direct result of the assumption, that the number of bits equal to “1” is constant for all chromosomes in P(0).

Experiment domains

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